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Alcohol abuse is the excessive or compulsive use of alcohol that can cause physical, mental and social problems. Alcohol abuse can lead to alcoholism, which is a more severe form of alcohol dependence. A person who abuses alcohol is also known as an alcoholic.

Some signs that you may have a problem with alcohol include:

  • Drinking more than intended or drinking too much at one time
  • Continuing to drink despite experiencing negative consequences like job loss, divorce or financial problems
  • Feeling guilty about your drinking and trying unsuccessfully to cut down or stop altogether

What Are The Negative Effects Of Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol abuse is a problem that many people face. The negative effects of alcohol abuse can be devastating, from causing physical illness to interfering with your relationships and work life.Alcoholics have a higher risk of contracting infectious diseases like HIV/AIDS because they drink more than non-alcoholics. Alcohol abuse has also been linked to high blood pressure, strokes and heart failure.

Alcohol abuse can affect your relationships with family members, friends and co-workers. It can cause you to lose jobs due to absenteeism or poor performance at work. You may become aggressive or antisocial while under the influence of alcohol or when trying to quit drinking altogether.

If you have a problem with alcohol abuse, there are resources available for you in your community such as treatment programs and support groups like aa meetings near me for those who have been affected by alcohol abuse in their lives.

What Is Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.

Alcoholics Anonymous uses two slogans: “First Things First” and “Live and Let Live”. The first means that one should place his own sobriety at the top of his list of priorities. The second means that each person has the right to choose his own pattern of life as long as he does not interfere with another’s pattern.

What Happens In An AA Meeting

An alcoholics anonymous meeting is a place for people who have struggled with alcohol to come together and talk about their experiences. They discuss how they’ve managed to keep their lives from falling apart in the face of their addiction. The meetings are completely anonymous, meaning that no one has to worry about being judged or shamed for what they say.

The meeting typically begins with a reading from the literature of Alcoholics Anonymous and a prayer or other positive affirmation. Then the meeting is opened up to the group members, who share their experiences and struggles with alcohol addiction. The members support each other by sharing what has worked for them in overcoming their alcoholism and how they’ve been able to maintain sobriety.

AA meetings are usually held in churches, community centers, hospitals and treatment centers. There are also online AA meetings available for those who cannot attend in person.

Duane Roberts

Duane Roberts

Paul Roberts: As a legal affairs journalist turned blogger, Paul's posts offer expert analysis of legal news and court cases. His clear explanations and engaging style make complex legal issues more understandable for readers.