Solvent traps are now more popular in the firearm community. Some people refer to solvent traps as automotive fuel filter solvent trap. These devices are firearm cleaning accessories. Depending on your routine maintenance frequency, if you intend to keep your firearm properly clean, you need the fuel filter solvent trap. Its purpose is to keep the solvents safe in a locked compartment.
The only connection the fuel filter solvent trap has with the firearm is that it allows for a cleaning process without making a mess and improves your firearm’s performance, safety, and reliability. It also helps you to trap and reuse cleaning fluids to avoid waste.
Things to Know About the Legalities of the Fuel Filter Solvent Trap
To lawfully navigate and comply with the multiple firearm laws, you need to be aware of the rules and regulations of the state you reside in. However, before even purchasing any solvent trap anywhere, there are important restrictions you must know about.
- Purchasing the solvent trap is legal, but you cannot alter, modify or redesign the accessory.
- Even when your solvent trap has damaged components, you are not allowed to repair it yourself.
Deal Cautiously With Foreign Fuel Filter Solvent Trap
While shopping online for solvent traps, you may come across links to foreign filter solvent trap at significantly cheaper rates. Most of these kits are of substandard grade and illegal. Other products look similar to the solvent traps, but they are not legal within the states or share the same purpose of catching solvent during the cleaning process.
Of course, we know the solvent traps are not regulated items and can be purchased in any state. This is why we all see foreign fuel solvent filters being sold online. Regardless of the prices and assumed quality of these foreign filter solvent trap, you have to deal with them cautiously.
These illegal products can lead to a felony charge, and the foreign supplier you are buying from would not care if the kit results in your arrest.
Even when the kit is tagged as a “fuel filter,” once customs seize your product, the law would not consider who made or purchased it before charging you. It would be best if you had to practice extreme cautiousness with these foreign filter solvent trap. When you input your shipping address to purchasing illegal products, it ties you to such products.
Aside from buying illegal solvent trap kits, many foreign filter solvent trap advertised as titanium are just aluminum with titanium coating (it’s often painted black) on the outside.
Instead of purchasing products overseas from these shady companies, Armory Den is a reputable brand recognized for selling legal solvent traps.